

Yoko Iwata's website

International symposium

Yoko Iwata, Warwick HH Sauer, Paul Shaw, Noriyoshi Sato, Yasunori Sakurai [Oral]
"How does fertilisation opportunity affect sperm investment strategies? A comparison between two loliginid squid species"
The International Workshop and Symposium of Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC)
Vigo, Spain, 3-11 September 2009

Yoko Iwata, Paul Shaw, Yasunori Sakurai [Poster]
"Sperm transfer adaptations for external versus internal fertilization"
International Ehological Conference
Rennes, France, 19-24 August 2009

Yoko Iwata
, Yasunori Sakurai [Oral]
"Threshold dimorphism in ejaculate characteristics associated with alternative reproductive behaviours in the squid Loligo bleekeri"
World Congress of Malacology
Antwerp, Belgium, 15-20 July 2007

Yoko Iwata, Yasunori Sakurai [Poster]
"Alternative reproductive tactics in squid: does tactic switch point respond to social conditions?"
2nd International Symposium on Dynamical Systems Theory and Its Applications to Biology and Environmental Sciences
Hamamatsu, Japan, 14-17 March 2007

Yoko Iwata, Yasunori Sakurai [Poster]
"Reproductive system in squid: an example of adaptive mechanisms to sustain intra-specific phenotypic diversity"
International Symposium- How to sustain Agrosphere, Biosphere and Geosphere (Parallel Symposium of "International Symposium on Sustainable Development")
Sapporo, Japan, 7-9 August 2006

Yoko Iwata, Yasunori Sakurai [Oral]
"Dimorphism in sperm investment patterns associated with alternative mating tactics in the squid Loligo bleekeri"
The International Workshop and Symposium of Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC)
Hobart, Australia, 6-10 February 2006
Best Oral Presentation Student Award

Yoko Iwata, Hiroyuki Munehara, Yasunori Sakurai [Poster]
"Sperm competition in squid: reproductive success depending on alternative reproductive behaviors, depositing spermatophores to different site"
International Symposium on Sperm Competition and Reproductive Strategies (10th International Mammalogical Congress, Satellite Symposium)
Otaru, Hokkaido, Japan, 5-7 August, 2005

Yoko Iwata, Kingo Ito, Yasunori Sakurai [Poster]
"The effect of low temperature on the reproductive activity of Loligo bleekeri Keferstein, 1866"
The International Workshop and Symposium of Cephalopod International Advisory Council (CIAC)
Phuket, Thailand, 17-21 February 2003